
ADLs all four position alphabet letters alphabet writing arts & crafts Attention auditory learner auditory processing beads bilateral motor coordination skills blocks brain bunny story categorization cognitive skills color color dots coloring colors crossing a midline cutting CVC words deep breathing directionality disclaimer dynamic communication Expectations eye-hand coordination Figure 8 fine motor activity fine motor skills first grade folding paper following directions fun Fun game gross motor activity handwriting Handwriting Without Tears hemispheres communicate Home Exercises Program hopping infinity sign jumping kindergarten kinetic input laterality Lazy 8 letter recognition letter reversals letter size letter writing letters Life Skills listening skills math midline milestone milestones money motor coordination skills muscle strengthening object manipulations obstacle course origami parent engagement parent involvement parenting pencil grasp pencil grip phonics play play dough positioning pre-k pre-writing pre-writing skills quad position Sand scissors use Self-care activity sensory activity sensory input shapes shoelaces short term memory sight words simple step directions social skills sorting spacing speech spelling spelling words standing balance stuttering tactile cues task attention therapy ball therapy putty Therapy session unstructured play using a ruler visual attention visual cues visual discrimination visual field integration visual learner visual motor coordination visual motor skills visual perceptual skills visual sequential skills visual skills visual spacial skills visual tracking skills worksheets writing alignment writing name

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Box Font

Are you ready to play this game?

Text Box:
is for the tall letters: b, d, f, h, k, l, and t.

Text Box:
is for the small letters: a, c, e, i, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, and z.

Text Box:
is for the descending letters: g, j, p, q, and y.

List all the words that can fit in the box.
Is that all?

Reminder: You can go to the Teachers Pay Teachers webpage and download "Hello Font".  It's free.  Or simply you can just draw the boxes and start playing.  Enjoy~!

Write Your Name in the Box.

This is a writing activity.  There are two ways of doing this activity.

(1) Have your child write his/her name in the box with a dry-erase marker directly on the plastic sheet protector. Each letter goes in each box.  You have to use a fine-tip marker for writing.  You can erase and write multiple times without killing trees.

(2) Make multiple copies of the paper and write on the paper with a pencil.
Surely you can try both or either way.  Here we're working on the writing alignment, letter size, and spacing.

I personally prefer my students to write in pencils because it gives more resistance on the paper while writing.  It means more bio-feedback to their little hands.  Anything more on kinetic sense and sensory feedback will help them with memory and simply better learning.  You can definitely use color pencils for fun.  Using colors in the activity will enhance their learning as well.

Try to stay with your child while he/she is working on this.  Please do not walk away while they are doing this.  Children tend to copy from one above.  It means if they make a mistake on one time, it is highly possible to make the same mistake on the following ones.  They need another set of eyes and praise on their work on-the-go.

How do you make the boxes for other letters??  This is actually a font.  Who could have a clue that boxes for tall letters, small letters, descending letters can be a font style??  Whoever thought of this is a genius.

A wonderful teacher, Ms. Ruiz who I work with this school year told me about this font.  Go on Teachers Pay Teachers website ( and search "Hello Fonts".  Download it.  It's FREE!

Friday, November 13, 2015

School Year 2015-16

Time really does fly.  It has been two full months already since this school year started.  I see my students become taller and more mature.  They are different youngsters day by day.  Certainly, they make me rolling and going.  It is truly a blessing to work with them and to learn from them.  

This is my 7th year of working with children in the elementary school.  To be honest, as I get to know each of my students throughout the elementary school period, I often feel my limit.  Most of my students really try their best during OT sessions.  However, their generalization skills or transfer skills are different stories in the classroom.  I am not trying to say that they are not trying their best in the classroom.  It is surely not easy for them to show their full potential in the classroom because of the task setting (i.e. pace of the task), more distracting factors in the big classroom, and so on.    

So I tried to provide therapy strategies and information to parents, caregivers, and guardians by sending school OT & PT monthly newsletters and posting therapeutic fun activities on the blog in previous years.  I believed giving parents therapy information would certainly help their children.  However, I found these are one way communication means. In NYC Department of Education, "parent engagement" is a biggy since last year. I want that "Parent Engagement/ Involvement" in my therapy sessions too.  So, I have met four parents in October.  I see positive signs after having the meetings with parents. Students talk about exercises that they do with mommy and daddy at home. They talk about using pencil grips when they do their homework.  It is exciting to see how parents learn and work with their children.  It will be another great school year!!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Home Activities by Eileen Friedman, OTR/L

Summer Recess is here.  Do you have any plan for yourself or for you kids?  Are you thinking of something fun? I strongly recommend following home activities for the summer time.

The following list of Home Activities is established by my Senior Instructional Therapist, Eileen Friedman.

  • Carry heavy items such as basket of toys and groceries.
  • Push or pull boxes with books or toys.
  • Have pillow fights.
  • Pull toys around on a sheet or a blanket.
  • Take out the garbage.
  • Vacuum, sweep, dust, wipe off the table, make the bed.
  • Push/ pull chairs out of and into the table for a meal.
  • Have the child push a food shopping cart.
  • Use playground equipment.
  • While standing, push against the wall for wall push-ups.
  • Play tug of war.
  • Two children sit on the floor, back to back, with knees bent, feet flat on the floor.  Interlock arms and try to stand up at the same time.
  • Open doors for people.
  • Animal walks such as crab walks, bear walks, army crawl.
  • Play jumping games.
  • Play ball or balloon games with arms held over head.
  • Play with play-doh.
  • Olay with large beads.
  • Use an eye dropper filled with water and play games.
  • Play pick-up sticks.
  • Cooking activities: encourage open / close different packages, ziplock bags, and mixing.
  • Squeeze a spray bottle.
  • Squeeze out glue.
  • Rip or tear paper for projects.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Teach Your Child How to Use a Ruler

Using a ruler isn't so simple for some kids.  Kids should have adequate visual motor coordination skills as well as visual perceptual skills.  It seems like a big jargon.  Simply saying, kids should see the lines on the ruler, give a good pressure over the ruler with his non-dominant hand, and draw a line against the edge of the ruler with his writing hand.

So when would be the good time to teach using a ruler?  Obviously you will not ask your 2 year-old toddler to draw a square using a ruler.  Maybe you can show your pre-schooler child how to draw a line with a ruler.  At this age, I am pretty sure your pre-schooler child will be so interested in using the ruler by himself.  But in a minute, the ruler becomes something other than a ruler, like a sword.  Then you may have to take it away for safety and tolerate his whining.  I am just telling you a story about my little one here.  I believe it is a good time to introduce a ruler in pre-school age.  Just casually tell the child the name of the tool "ruler", how to use it, when to use it, and what kinds of things you can do with it.

In the beginning of the Kindergarten year, kids learn numbers and learn to compare bigger and smaller numbers.  As they progress, they learn to subtract and add numbers.  You can start to use a ruler while you play with your pre-schooler or young school-aged child.

Game 1 - Instruction:  "Use the ruler.  Can you draw a line, longer than mine?"

Game 1 - Instruction: Connect the dots with a ruler. (Give two dots to connect.)

Demonstrate how to use the ruler for visual cues.  Say out loud how to use the ruler. "Use your left/right hand to press down on it." "Then draw a line just like me."  

If your child shows difficulty with holding the ruler down, then you can have your hand over your child's hand and give a gentle pressure.  You can also put your hand over the ruler first and place your child's hand over on your hand.  Tell your child to press down on your hand.  

Then see what happen.  Maybe the first line that your child draws is crooked.  But the last line would be different than the first line.

Enjoy teaching and learning~!      

Friday, June 5, 2015

When would be the right time to teach money?

My colleague teacher mentioned students start learning money (coins) at first grade, towards the end of the first grade.  But this doesn't mean that parents have to wait until children learn money at school.  I would like to encourage parents to introduce money as early as kids grasp the concept of numbers and counting numbers.  Coins can be another "toy" for kids.  It can be also a great fine motor activity for kids.

These are my kindergarten kids. They are moving those coins from the round table to the color dots on the other side.

Do you see the different color dots on the desk? They are sorting the coins.

Do you see kids holding a yellow ball on their one hand? They cannot use their two hands for this activity.

Game instructions: Use only one hand and move all the coins to their family.
You can grab as many coins as possible and move them to their group as fast as you can.

Kids learn the name of each coin.  They are encouraged to describe each coin in different sizes and colors.  They count the coins.  They compete who can hold the coins the most.

If your child already learned and knows the value of each coin, you can play simple mental math game with your child.  "Bring me 75 cents." "Give me 35 cents."

Or you can do pretend-play with your child.  "I am selling this pencil for 15 cents."

Be creative and have fun.
Enjoy time teaching and learning~!!

Here is a link to an article about teaching kids money.
When should you start teaching your kids about money? Now.       

Friday, May 29, 2015


Have you ever played hopscotch before? I think hopscotch is an universal game.  I spent my childhood in Korea and remember playing the game with my friends in school yard. We called it "Naeng-Jang-Go" meaning refrigerator.  It looks like a refrigerator.  At that time, the school yard was not covered with concrete but covered with dirts and sands all over.  We just drew the hopscotch box on the ground and started playing the game during recess, after school, over the weekend, and any free time.

Hopscotch requires SKILLS! A child needs visual skills and eye-hand coordination skills to toss an object (i.e. beanbag or pebble) to a targeted number.  He/she also requires physical skills to hop on one foot, to switch to two feet, to maintain balance on one foot, etc.  Hopscotch encourages social interactions when children play it as a group.

These are my first graders in the picture.

We practice throwing the beanbag to the target.

We use color dots for visual cues.  Child hops on the green single dot with his/her one foot.  Red dots for two feet.  I usually make the activity either easier or harder by adjusting the space between red and green dots.  For some of children, it is not easy to switch their feet (one feet to two feet, vice versa) and to hop at the same time.

In the school where I work, we have a pre-drawn hopscotch box in the school backyard.  When the weather gets better, children can play hopscotch after lunch.
You can play hopscotch with your children.  Be creative drawing your own hopscotch box at your local park.  You can draw it with sidewalk chalks.  Have fun playing~!     

Friday, May 22, 2015

Toss the ballon. Read the letter.

I introduced a balloon tossing game on a previous blog post, which was published on March 6th 2015. That was a group game. Two groups of kids toss a balloon to each other and try to tell the alphabet letter that was attached to the balloon.

This is another balloon tossing game.  The child is instructed to toss the balloon with her hand and tell one letter at a time when she toss the balloon.  This is a great and simple eye-hand coordination activity.  However, it can be not too easy.  The child has to locate the balloon and hit the balloon with her hand.  At the same time, she has to spot one letter and read it out loud.  If things are happening all at the same time, you know it may not be easy to handle.  It doesn't mean that the child cannot do the activity.

So can this activity be modified? Of course!!  These are the things that you can change to make it a little bit easier.

1) Size of the balloon: Make the balloon bigger.  Therefore, child can track the balloon and toss it easily.

2) Less number of the letters on the balloon: Do not write so many letters on the balloon.  Less number of letters will be easy to spot one at a time.

3) Draw shapes: If child did not master all the letters yet, start with different shapes.

4) Use colors: You can write letters with different color markers.

5) If you want to make it more fun or more sensory, you can drop some beans or uncooked rices in the balloon.  It will make some sounds each time your child toss the balloon.

Enjoy playing~!  

Friday, May 15, 2015

Capital and Lowercase Teaching Order by Handwriting Without Tears

There are many programs to teach children alphabet letters.  I would like to share a resourceful website and it's about teaching and learning alphabet letters.

Have you ever heard of the Handwriting Without Tears? The Handwriting Without Tears program provides developmentally appropriate, multi sensory tools and strategies for children to learn alphabet letters more effectively.

I would like to draw your attention to their teaching order.  The Handwriting Without Tears does not introduce alphabet letters from A to Z in alphabetical order.

(The following words are from their website. You can visit Handwriting Without Tears and read more.  They also provide free printable worksheets.)

Teaching Order

The Handwriting Without Tears® developmental teaching order helps children master handwriting skills in the easiest, most efficient way. As a result, children can transition quickly from learning the mechanics of handwriting to focusing on content and meaning—in all subjects. 

Capital Teaching Order

Developmentally, capitals are easier so we teach them first. The capital teaching order helps teach correct formation and orientation while eliminating reversals. Learning capitals first makes it easy to transition to lowercase letters.
Frog Jump Capitals: FEDPBRNM, Starting Corner Capitals: HKLUVWXYZ, Center Starters: COQGSAITJ

Lowercase Teaching Order

We teach lowercase c, o, s, v, and w first because they are exactly the same as their capital partners, only smaller. By teaching capitals first, we have prepared children for nearly half of the lowercase letters that are similar in formation.

Enjoy teaching and learning!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Swap the scarves!

This is a fun game which encourages visual skills, eye-hand coordination, and motor coordination skills.
A simple rule! Throw your scarf and catch your partner's scarf. Swap the scarves.

It looks simple but you have to try this with your child. Throwing the scarf and looking at the other scarf to catch it at the same time is not too easy, especially for younger children.

Enjoy playing~!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mother's Day Card

Mother's Day is right around the corner. So the theme of this week is Celebrating Mother's Day.  We talk about Mother's Day, date (orientation to time), why we celebrate Mother's Day, and what we can say to mommy.  Then we make our special-special Mother's Day card. This is how we make the card.

First, fold a paper in half (white side out). Then trace the child's hand. Make sure child's thumb and index finger are directed towards the folding edge of the paper. So when you unfold the paper after cutting, you have two identical hands on the entire paper.

Try to make the half heart shape with the thumb and index finger on the paper.

Cut the shape of the hands.  Try not to cut the index finger and the thumb on the folding edge. Try not to cut off your fingers on the paper.

Unfold the paper and paste it on a contraction paper. Make sure your have a heart shape in the middle. You can glue another color paper for the heart shape and make it stands out.

Then you can decorate the card. You can write sweet messages to mommy. You can draw some flowers and hearts on it.  You can also use different materials for decorations such as pom-poms, pre-cut forms, and so on.

We used some scrapbook materials for this.

Have fun~! Happy Mother's Day~!!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Letter band

As mentioned in the previous post on 03/08/15, letter reversals are not uncommon to see among children up to the age of 7 years old.  As children's little brain becomes mature, they will improve the sense of their body. They will learn left and right side of their body and their surroundings. As they develop the sense of directions, they will be able to differentiate those mirror image letters (i.e. letter b and d, p and q). 

This is my kindergarten student. Although it is not uncommon to see the letter reversals at this age, you surely want to encourage your child to learn the directions of the letters.

He is holding a thick rubber band around his hands.  I ask him to stretch it out as much as he can, which will provide him sensory input and enhance attention span.  I put those letters with velcro, so I can simply detach the letters and change letters.

Then I call out a letter, either b or d at a time. He will touch the letter with his thumb (letter b with his left thumb and letter d with his right thumb).  When you call out the letter, do not make patterns such as calling out b, d, b, d, b, d and so on.  Make it unpredictable.

If you want to make it as an eye-exercise activity, you will simply ask your child not to move his/her head while looking at the letter. If your child keeps moving his/her head, then you gently place your finger on his/her chin to provide tactile cues.

This activity can be used not only for the letter reversals but also for letter recognition.  Is there any letters that your child get confused? Put those letters on the rubber band and practice, practice, practice.  Your child can get kinetic and sensory input by stretching the rubber band, eye exercises (visual shifting & tracking), and enjoy time with you!

Enjoy learning~! Enjoy teaching~!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Obstacle Course and MORE

A simple obstacle course is a commonly used gross motor activity, which reinforces gross motor skills such as jumping and hopping and challenges kids to sustain focus on the main task.  These are my kindergarten students who try to spell sight words.

First, students pick one word that they will spell out.

Then one student will find the first letter of the chosen word and jump over the hurdles to the other side. He puts the letter down.

Another student will pick up the next letter of the same word and jump over the hurdles to the other side.  He puts the second letter down.

They take turns until they complete the word.

In order to complete spelling the word, each student has to remember the letter that his partner brings to the other side.

At the end, they complete a word together.

They practice spelling more than one word and have fun.

This entire activity may look so simple but it requires so many skills. I will list a few of the skills.
(1) Letter Recognition - kids need to know how each letter looks like.
(2) Visual discrimination and Visual spacial skills - I put so many letters on the table and challenge them to look for the letter that they need. Although they know their alphabet letters, if all the letters are upside down, downside up, and facing up all different directions, obviously they need more time to look for the letter.  If child struggles finding letters, you may want to limit the numbers of the letters on the table.
(3) Visual sequential skills - Each student has to look at the word and figure out what comes next. Since we play in a small group, they need to give their full attention to follow through and not to misspell the word.
(4) Short term memory - As mentioned above, the main activity is spelling words.  However, they are side-tracked by performing the exercise, which they enjoy doing it during the session.  Despite of this distraction, they need to complete the words.  How fun it is~!
What is your (parent's) job? Let's wait and see. Be patient! Let's encourage our children to problem solve independently. If your child asks for your help too soon, what are you going to do? Are you going to help your child immediately?  If your child does not ask for help and gets frustrated, what are you going to do? It's all matter of when and how to help your child when he/she faces problem.  

Friday, April 17, 2015

Light Writing

Follow the light and figure out what letter I am writing!

This is a visual tracking activity, which also enhances visual attention.  Use a LED pen light through a piece of paper and write a letter or shape. 

(You have to write the letter reversed way for children to see it in the right way in front of you.)  

This is my first graders and I gave them one letter each time.  Then they write the letter on the lined paper.  I would like to encourage younger kids to use the lined paper as much as possible when they are writing.  

Then I ask them to write the word with the light without looking at the light, just to reinforce memorizing the word.

For younger kids who do not know alphabet letters yet, try shapes.  If kids have difficulty with following the light with eyes only, let them follow the light with their index finger first.  Moving their hands and arms will give kinetic sensory input in their little brain and enhance learning.  

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Make a pattern

Do you want to find out whether your child is a visual learner or an auditory learner?  Try this!

I have this box of cubes that was donated by a teacher in my school.  You can use these cubes in  many different ways.  If you have Lego blocks, you can use them too.

First, I tell the kids to make a pattern of the cubes without showing them the actual color pattern, only by listening to the directions.  Then I just wait and see if they can make it without extra verbal cues. 
Second, I show them a pattern of cubes and ask kids to make the same pattern without looking at the sample.  I hide my sample pattern while they're trying to make it.  See if the kids can remember and replicate what they saw before.

Do you want to challenge them? Make the pattern a little harder by giving them more colors.  For children who are visual learners, I would like to suggest playing the game focusing on auditory comprehension and memory, and the other way around.  Hence, children can strengthen their weakness by playing and having fun.

Enjoy playing!  

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring break started.

Spring break started yesterday, 04/03/2015.  We still have one full week.  Are you thinking of how you should spend the whole week with your child(ren)?

NYC Department of Park & Recreation introduces 13 fun things to do in NYC parks this weekend.

I think Kissena Park is one of the close public park from our school (not TOO close, but relatively closer one than others on the list).  They have the "Nature Scavenger Hunt" on April 5th at 11 AM.  It is free. Visit the website and get more info.

I will share more therapy activities when we come back to school.

Enjoy your vacation.  Stay-cation is also good.  :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Figure 8 exercise

What is the Figure 8? 
It's the infinity sign (a.k.a. Infinity swing or Lazy 8) that therapists or teachers perform with their children as a brain exercise.  
This exercise helps kids to cross the midline, which means their left and right side of the brain actively communicate. It is known as a good exercise that integrates left and right side of the visual fields and improves balance and coordination skills.  It enhances children's reading skills as well.  
As you see it in the picture, you can simply follow the arrow: up and down, cross, back up and down, and repeat.  

How do you make it fun for your child? 

Use many colors! Follow the directions with the color dots, not only one time, but many times with different colors. First, make the dots with the right hand. Second, use the left hand. Third, hold the color dot with both hands and follow the directions of the Figure 8. 

After your child is done with the color dots, you can put up the colorful Figure 8 on the wall. Then have your child follow the Figure 8 with his/her finger in distance.  Make sure your child does not move his/her head too much while he/she trace the Figure 8 in distance.

*It doesn't have to be the color dots. You can use crayons, color pencils, and/or finger paints.

This is also Figure 8 exercise. A child walks on the Figure 8 track.  Directions are the same: up and down, cross in the middle, back up and down, and repeat.

As I mentioned in the last post, draw this Figure 8 with the outdoor chalks at your local park.

Enjoy time with your child~!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Walking on the maze

This is one of the frequently used therapy activities.  You can simply make a track with masking tapes.  When you make the track, try to make some left and right turnings.  You can do many things with this maze.  

(I wouldn't use the duck tapes because it is not easy to take off the duck tapes after use.  It sometimes leave the sticky residue on the floor.)   

In this picture, my first grader is trying to kick the cone right along the line.  In the next picture, the same student tries to dribble the ball along the track.

Obviously the cone does not roll away from him and he shows better control on the cone.  However, it is not the same experience with the rolling ball. He has to do the little kicks and stops the ball continuously.
This activity enhances visual motor skills, visual attention skills, and motor coordination skills.  And kids surely have fun.  Regardless of their difficulties or conditions, kids love challenges and play time.
These are my second graders.  One student is walking on the track with the blindfold and another student tries to give directions to the student. This is a great activity to learn directionality, left and right side. The one who gives directions also has to know the directions in mirror image.  

This activity can enhance their laterality (knowing left and right side in his body), directionality (telling left and right side in space), listening and following directions.    

Are you thinking of the size of your apartment? Yes, my apartment is also very tight and I totally understand this activity is not feasible at home. You can draw the track with the outdoor chalks in the park. You can make a big and long track with your child. There should be no excuses when the weather gets warmer.  Have fun!! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Snip! Snip!

When would be the good time to introduce scissors to kids? Experts say "kids can cut well with scissors at the age of 5 to 6."  It means kids typically are ready physically on their little hands for scissors use at that age.  However, if kids are not exposed to using scissors often, using scissors can be a tricky task for them.    

Before you give any scissors to your children, I would like to suggest that you think of your child's hand dominance, size of his/her hands, size of the scissors, and how well the scissors cut.  

I would like to introduce some activities that can help kids to learn scissors use.  Most activities focus on using the thumb, index finger, and middle finger separately from the ring finger and pinkie.

  • Picking up small things such as pom-pom's, buttons, and uncooked macaroni pasta with a tong with those three fingers (the thumb, index, and middle finger) 
  • Spinning a top
  • Playing with finger puppets
  • Popping a bubble sheet with those three fingers (the thumb, index, and middle finger), No pounding on the bubble sheet with the fist

This is another way of teaching kids how to use the scissors.  After I tell or show my kids how to use the scissors, I sometimes video-tape their hands right away.  Then I share the video clip with them.  First of all, they're interested in using high-tech gadgets during session.  They like to see themselves in the video clip or in the picture. Seeing themselves in the video clip or pictures becomes reinforcement and visual cues for next time learning.  And it works!!

These are my kindergarten kids and they practice snipping the scissors.  They play cutting the putty.
Student A stretches the putty.  Student B cuts the putty.  Student A adds those two cut pieces of the putty and stretches it again and again.  Student B continues cutting the putty.  After 10 times of cutting, they switch their jobs.

Are you ready to have fun?! 
Enjoy teaching and Enjoy learning~!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alphabet Plate

This is the alphabet plate which my OT friend introduced to me. And I like it as much as my kids do.

You can simply write down letters randomly on a paper plate and need a penny.

These are my kindergarten kids and they're trying to maneuver the dish, side to side and up and down, to move the penny from A to Z.  Find alphabet letters in order.

Then they spell sight words on the plate.  They put their index finger on the penny and move around on the plate.

Remember. This activity looks simple but kids may show some difficulty. I would like to suggest parents to try it first and feel how it is easy or difficult.

Enjoy playing~!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Let Them Be Messy!

Over the last weekend, my son asked me to set up the coloring activity for him and his little sister.  My son is almost 4 years old.  My little girl is turning 2 in June.  Their age tells you a lot, right?  Then, I said "OMG" in my mind.  Without seeing it, I could tell that they would definitely get messy.  It means I have to do the cleaning more than I usually do.  Oh~well...

Here he is.  He did some abstract drawing first. Then he mixed those colors with his hands and feet and stamped them on the paper.  After that, he walked around the living room without wiping the colors on his feet. How worse could it be?!! By this time, I just sit back and watched him enjoying the activity.  I also took these pictures. :)  
He picked up the heart shape sponge and started to stamp it on his feet. He said "Mommy, Mommy, look!" "It's a heart shape." "I'm giving love to my feet!"
He picked up a paint brush and drew the letter "X" on his hand. Then he said, "Mommy, Mommy, Look! Letter X"

He enjoyed drawing, coloring, telling shapes, and writing letters, mixing colors, and getting messy all over the living room.  He also helped me cleaning the living room after he was done.  

This is not the way that I would play with my kids during my session in school.  But it doesn't mean that they cannot play like this.  In fact, I strongly suggest this type of unstructured activities for home.  Don't worry about cleaning. Think about having fun with your child and watching him/her enjoying the activity. 

*If you decide to do this messy activity, it's better to do it right before the bath time.  Let them be messy and then throw them into the bathtub.  

Enjoy time with your child!     

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Worksheets can be FUN!

Worksheets! Sounds boring? Not really!

I would like to introduce some fun worksheets.  A few weeks ago, one of my OT colleagues introduced this website, "Inner Pieces Gallery."  You can find many free printable worksheets and a list of suggested children's books.  

Before my kids begin a worksheet, we read the instructions together. Then I ask them to do it without further explanation.  If they follow through the instructions without difficulty, that's great!  If not, here is how I break it down to make things a little easier.  

The following worksheet is one of the visual tracking activities.  You have to circle the round shape smiley faces on each line without picking up your pencil in the middle.  This can be a pre-writing activity as well.  

Here I make a dot in the beginning of each line to tell my kids where they should start and demonstrate how they should follow through without lifting their pencil.

Then kids will try to draw circles around the round shape smiley faces on each line.
This step is not part of the worksheet but I add in to it just to challenge their visual skills and task attention.

I ask kids to stamp the dot on the empty circle on each line.
They will count the round shape smiley faces that they circled on each line.  They have to remember that they do not count the colored ones.     

The second part of this activity sheet is solving a puzzle.  The number from each line has a corresponding letter.  So kids will find out a phrase by solving the puzzle.  

Go on the "Inner Pieces Gallery" and sign up to get free printable worksheets.  The worksheets on the Inner Pieces Gallery are FUN!!

Are you ready to have fun with your kid? Enjoy~!