
ADLs all four position alphabet letters alphabet writing arts & crafts Attention auditory learner auditory processing beads bilateral motor coordination skills blocks brain bunny story categorization cognitive skills color color dots coloring colors crossing a midline cutting CVC words deep breathing directionality disclaimer dynamic communication Expectations eye-hand coordination Figure 8 fine motor activity fine motor skills first grade folding paper following directions fun Fun game gross motor activity handwriting Handwriting Without Tears hemispheres communicate Home Exercises Program hopping infinity sign jumping kindergarten kinetic input laterality Lazy 8 letter recognition letter reversals letter size letter writing letters Life Skills listening skills math midline milestone milestones money motor coordination skills muscle strengthening object manipulations obstacle course origami parent engagement parent involvement parenting pencil grasp pencil grip phonics play play dough positioning pre-k pre-writing pre-writing skills quad position Sand scissors use Self-care activity sensory activity sensory input shapes shoelaces short term memory sight words simple step directions social skills sorting spacing speech spelling spelling words standing balance stuttering tactile cues task attention therapy ball therapy putty Therapy session unstructured play using a ruler visual attention visual cues visual discrimination visual field integration visual learner visual motor coordination visual motor skills visual perceptual skills visual sequential skills visual skills visual spacial skills visual tracking skills worksheets writing alignment writing name

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Parenting School Age Children

Do you think organic chemistry or biology the most difficulty subject?  I believe parenting is the hardest subject ever.  Sometimes I wish there is a definite strategy or solution for every problem that I face with my two little ones.  Unfortunately, there is no perfect strategy but maybe better strategy.  In order to find the “better strategy”, I believe that parents should study, experiment, find the results and review the strategy.  If it works for you and your child, you should be consistent with using the strategy.  I know it’s easier said than done.  In addition, it is much harder when you have more than one child because you have to consider the dynamics among siblings as well.
Here are some websites that support and provide ideas for positive parenting. 
Parenting School Age Children on

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